Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Anyone who knows the first thing about me should know that I have an irrational fear of bugs.  So much, that when I see any sort of bug (besides the usual, an ant or a fly) I get goosebumps, scream obnoxiously for James to kill it, and usually blurt out what would appear to be some sort of mythical creature's name.

Today, I saw the world's first Crickcockroachspider.  A few months ago, we met a Flying Cacactapus.

Maybe I should give up my current studies to become an entomologist.  Or just start copyrighting words.

Ps, this was my 100th post.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Princess and the Frog, Pt. 2

James and I are working opposite shifts today, I will see him for a brief moment when we meet halfway on  my way home and on his way to work so that he can give me one of the textbooks that sold on Amazon today, Gavyn and his carseat, and a kiss.  Then I won't see him again until 1 am.  I think I'm going to take Gavyn to see The Princess and The Frog tonight.  James wants to see Avatar, so the chances of seeing both while they're still in theatres are slim to none - we usually just can't find the time!  I love that I can do these types of things with Gavyn now.  He's my little sidekick.  I have some errands to run today after work, I want to see the movie afterwords, and then I'll be glad to relax with Gavyn.

Ps, James is finally putting up the Christmas lights!  I can't wait to see them!  The sounds of 'It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas' are beginning to ring in my ears.

Pss, I laughed out loud at work about this, so I thought I'd share:

Jack > Lauren: When I woke up this morning, this is what you said to me "You are not a transformer" for no reason and immediately went back to sleep.  You have a lot of explaining to do.
Me: No explanation needed, you're clearly not a transformer.  She was just stating the obvious.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy 5th Birthday, Tyler!

Gavyn slept in a little late this morning because he has been sick the last couple of days.  I went into his room to gently wake him up.  He did a couple of long, exaggerated stretches, a little bit of a wake-up dance, and then a huge smile crept upon his face.  He held his arms out for a hug, gave me a huge bear hug, then started to pat my back.  After about five minutes, I pulled away to talk to him and he pulled me in for another one which lasted about two minutes.  I'm so glad that he's usually in a good mood in the mornings.  He certainly must've gotten that from Daddy.  Anyway, today is Tyler's 5th birthday and we're going to have a little party at my house.  My mom had to do some last-minute shopping for him yesterday, and the only way this could be accomplished without him seeing the gift was for me to actually do it.  So we bought him his Spiderman skateboard complete with an Iron Man helmet and pads (they didn't have Spiderman, give me a break).  I sat there for a good ten minutes contemplating how to wrap a heavy skateboard with wheels coming out of the bottom without it ripping through the wrapping paper.  Then I had James find me a hefty box to put it in.  Shortcut.  We got him some Wolverine gloves with pop-out retractable claws and some action figures.  He's going to be thrilled with all of it.  So will Gavyn, because he'll get to play with whatever Tyler is least interested in while he's over, haha.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Are you ready kids?!

This mama is bursting with joy about yet another one of Gavyn's newly acquired skills.  For the past week, Gavyn has been really into playing Nick Jr. games on the computer when we let him go on.  Lately, he'll run into the computer room and we'll hear him playing SpongeBob from the living room.  As this went on for a number of days, I started to think, "How is he even getting on that website?"  The first couple times I asked James if he pulled the website up for him.  Nope.  Then I started to think he was just clicking on ads.  No.  When I realized that it was the same website that he played all of these different SpongeBob games on, I started to wonder...  About ten minutes ago, I walked into the computer room and saw that he was playing again.  I told James that we should find out once and for all HOW he keeps getting on there.  So I exited out of Internet Explorer and told Gavyn to play BobBob (as he likes to call him).  He double-clicked Internet Explorer, clicked on the Favorites button, scrolled down to the SpongeBob favorite, and clicked on it.  James and I started cracking up and my jaw dropped in shock.  HOW DID HE LEARN TO DO THAT?  I'm still not quite sure.  But I still can't believe that he's more tech-savvy than many adults that I know!  I've got one smart baby boy.


I love Red Bull in the morning and I love when my mom goes to my house while I'm at work and cleans and prepares Chicken Dumpling Soup.  Oh, this is going to be a GOOD day!  :)  Gavyn had a fever this morning but now it's letting up.  Poor baby.  I can't wait to go home and relax today.  Today I learned that if you drink a third of a bottle of Red Bull each day for a year you're much more likely to get diabetes.  On a side note, please buy me this car:

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Nothing says Christmas like a bowl of peppermint ice cream.

Oh, the holidays...

Well, the results are in.  I have a 4.0 GPA!  I faxed my transcript to Geico this morning to receive the student discount.  Saving money is never a bad thing.  In fact, it's usually quite the contrary.  It's now winter break and all of the out-of-town college kids are rushing back to their home town.  This makes for a good opportunity to catch up.  I'm excited mainly because I get to start going grocery shopping on Thursdays again, instead of going to class.  I know, exciting.  But in January it'll be back to normal with school starting.  Come fall of 2010 I'll be driving to the new campus they're building, with James!  We went to Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party as a spur of the moment thing about a week ago, and can I just say that Gavyn LOVED it?  I'm sure that he was amused with it when he was two, but now that he's almost three, he was so giddy about it!  He kept screaming "Mitty mouse!" and we went on the Buzz Lightyear ride about three times.  Gavyn's birthday is right around the corner.  We'll be taking him to Disney again and he's getting his Power Wheels Mustang.  Unfortunately, Gavyn's car will no longer match Daddy's =(.  Rachel's birthday was on the 11th, Tyler's is on the 21st, we're going to Clearwater on Christmas Eve to see James' family, and then it's Christmas day!  I'm going to make a glazed ham with a bunch of delicious family recipes as sides.  It's turning out to be a wonderful month, as usual.  I love this time of year.  I think we're going to gear up for it tonight with some Christmas classics, cookies, and candles...  After grocery shopping, of course.

Monday, December 14, 2009

The day that Gavyn learned how to burp

PS, 27 letter pick up because WalMart forgot to give us a 'G'!  I had to add an extra one in ;)

The day of the eye-mauling insect

You read the title correctly.  My eye was mauled by an insect today.  Arms flailing while backing out in the WalMart parking lot, I frantically tried to wipe it out of my eye.  James stared at me, baffled.  I exclaimed that there was a bug in my eye, half-crying.  Silence, then...  Laughter.  "My life will never be the same, I'm traumatized."  "If you don't stop touching your eye I'm going to poke out the other one."  "At what point did the bug think, 'Hey, there's an eye.  I think I'll fly in it!'?"  "You are so dramatic, I've had a wasp fly into my mouth when I was riding a bike, I spit it out and kept riding."  "Yeah, well, your eye has never been the grave site for an insect."
I'm not sure what type of insect it was, even though I was trying to keep an eye on it.
Buh duh bum.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Very Eager Gavyn

I just wanted to post really quick because I got so excited that I almost cried.  Gavyn is learning to READ (sort of)!  I've been reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar to him every night before bed.  Each night after I do, he "reads" it to back me.  We count how many fruits the caterpillar eats, identify what everything is (i.e. the sun, the moon, the tree, the caterpillar), point out the colors of everything, etc.  Usually when he's "reading" back to me, he just flips through the pages, mumbles, and counts.  Today, he said, "and he was STILL hungry!"  He counted the fruits, as usual, pointed out the colors, and...  When he flipped to the very last page he said, "Beautiful butterfly!  The end!"  !!!!  I LOVE Gavyn, I LOVE being a mom, and if being a teacher is even remotely as satisfying, I will LOVE my job.  I have a video of him that I took really quick, but I'm going to take a better one for keepsakes tomorrow with my camcorder.  I've got to start paying attention to Dexter, it's the season finale!  Ciao!


PS, After everything is resolved with our attorney and the insurance companies, I can update you on the car accident.


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