Thursday, June 17, 2010

6 weeks

According to yesterday's post, I was 5 weeks, 6 days...  Which means that today I am six weeks!
This week my little peanut is the size of a sweet pea.
Sweet Pea, you've come a long way from a poppy seed.

Gavyn has learned to play both sides, meaning that when he wants something from Mommy, he says, "Mommy, baby girl!"  Then two minutes later he'll realize he needs something from Daddy, too, and he'll turn around and say, "Daddy, baby boy!"  Butthead.

Because of our work schedules, and our families' work schedules, we don't think that we'll be able to put Gavyn in preschool.  At first this made me really upset, I wanted him to be able to experience the social aspect of it more than anything else.  But there's a reason that preschool is optional (lack of transportation takes away flexibility), and I fully intend on home(pre)schooling him.  I guess this just means we'll have to make more frequent trips to the park and beach for some social interaction.  Darn.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I just got back from getting my bloodwork done, James and Gavyn tagged along for moral support (I get queezy, and I'm a bit of a baby), and afterwards we grabbed some Chick Fil A.  I'm 5 weeks, 6 days and so far I've had pretty much every symptom in the book, except morning sickness *knocks on wood*.  I've had nausea but usually when that feeling creeps over me, I quickly shovel down saltines and hope for the best.  I'm hoping this pregnancy will result in another happy, healthy baby (girl).
Well, it's thundering outside and looking quite dark, so I'm thinking that today is a great day to dust off the good ol' Super Nintendo and Donkey Kong.  On E3 they showed that they are coming out with a new Donkey Kong and a new Kirby for Wii, so it has me in the mood.  Oh, and trust me, I will be owning those!

Friday, June 11, 2010

5 weeks

Today I am five weeks pregnant and the baby is now the size of an orange seed.

And now for a little heart warming tune...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

4 weeks

I am four weeks pregnant and the baby is now the size of a poppy seed.
Let's just hope that there aren't that many babies in there.

LOVE :  I say: Gavyn, where's the baby?  He says: In you belllll-yyy!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Gavyn and I were sitting at the table as I worked on some homework and he munched on a strawberry shortcake ice cream bar.  About halfway through his bar, he looked at me and said, "I have to go pee, don't eat my ice cream."  I laughed and acted as if I was going to as he was walking away, and he turned around and stopped and said, "You not eat it!"  When he came back, he offered me a bite and in the process accidentally dropped some on the floor.  I asked him why he dropped the ice cream on the floor and he replied, "I not do it on purpose."  Are you kidding me with how smart he is???

In other news, I know it has been awhile, but things are great at home.  We are actually thinking of moving to a bigger house when our lease is up in September, and calling a place with bigger bathrooms, bedrooms, and a kitchen our home...  This, to us, is rather exciting but doesn't really compare to the news that follows...  WE ARE EXPECTING!

There is no mistaking that!  The one on the bottom is the first test we took, as you can see the line is kind of dull, but still there.  Well, yesterday I took the one on top and today I went to the health department and...  What do you know!  I'm pregnant with baby #2!  Estimated due date is February 9, 2011 according to my pregnancy app in my iPhone and February 13, 2011 according to the lady's chart at the health department.  I'm going to call Dr. Armbruster (who I chose when I was pregnant with Gavyn) tomorrow to make an appointment!  We're very excited, especially because it happened on our very first try.  And so the waiting game begins!  I went to my Aunt's with my Mom on Monday to take some pre-preschool graduation pictures of Tyler and Hailie and they did the ring test...  I know what you're thinking, but it was right for their kids and for Gavyn, so I decided to give it a shot.  And according to the magical ring test, I am having a girl.  I can only hope so.  James wants another boy, go figure.  We are still agreeing on the name Olivia and I can't convince James OR Gavyn that any other name will be just as nice.  So, we will see!  Here are the pictures that I took of Hailie and Tyler:

That's all for now!


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