Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I just got back from getting my bloodwork done, James and Gavyn tagged along for moral support (I get queezy, and I'm a bit of a baby), and afterwards we grabbed some Chick Fil A.  I'm 5 weeks, 6 days and so far I've had pretty much every symptom in the book, except morning sickness *knocks on wood*.  I've had nausea but usually when that feeling creeps over me, I quickly shovel down saltines and hope for the best.  I'm hoping this pregnancy will result in another happy, healthy baby (girl).
Well, it's thundering outside and looking quite dark, so I'm thinking that today is a great day to dust off the good ol' Super Nintendo and Donkey Kong.  On E3 they showed that they are coming out with a new Donkey Kong and a new Kirby for Wii, so it has me in the mood.  Oh, and trust me, I will be owning those!

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