Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Windy City

So, today is my very last day of work and then I'm off for eleven days. You probably do not have the slightest idea how dire the need for this vacation is. I'm so excited to see all of my family and experience Chicago. It has been YEARS.

I made a small list of the things that we want to do while we're there so that if we're sitting at my Dad's one day saying, "What do you want to do?" "I don't know, what do you want to do?"... Hopefully we'll be able to figure out what to do. Here it is:

1. Eat Chicago-style hot dogs -- Which for me will be plain hot dogs with ketchup, I know they're not really considered Chicago-style, but I don't like that stuff. BUT most places do not steam the buns and that really makes all the difference.

2. Eat Pizza Puffs -- You absolutely cannot find these practically anywhere in Florida! We used to have a place called Windy City Cafe or something of the like, but it closed.

3. Eat at White Castle -- I realize these things might sound stupid and minuscule, but if you know James, you'll understand this.

4. Go to MOSI -- Apparently the MOSI located in Chicago is the best one in the US, so we plan to go there on Monday, and it's free! I'm not sure if they'll have it while we're there, but I've caught word of a Harry Potter exhibit with the original costumes from the movie.

5. Six Flags -- This is obvious. OF COURSE we're going to Six Flags.

6. Lake Katherine -- This is a really beautiful park that I remember going to ever since I was young. It has a huge waterfall, paths with flowers and wildlife surrounding you, and a haystack where we used to hide. I think Gavyn will love it there, and I'll be able to take some gorgeous pictures.

7. Rino Bar -- Wednesday night from 12-1 am free vodka drinks, what more can I say?

8. Bourbon Street and other misc. bars - I'm 21 and have yet to visit a bar.

9. The Art District -- Lauren suggested that we go to see the many hipsters to point, laugh, and possibly throw rocks.

10. I'm on a boat -- And it's goin' fast and I gotta nautical themed Pashmina Afghan. No, but really... My Dad is taking us out on the boat. He said that we'll be able to see the city like we've never seen it before because we'll actually be going all through it and looking up at the buildings through the lakes. He said I'll be able to catch some amazing pictures, too. Plus, I just love going out on the boat. I caught a blow fish the last time that we went on a boat.

11. BBQ @ Kelly's -- Kelly is throwing a little get together so that the whole family will be there.

12. Shopping! -- ...!!!!

13. Sushi -- James REALLY wants to go to a nice Sushi restaurant while we're there.

14. Quality family time - My aunt is thinking of bringing us to the Zoo and the Sears Tower (I will still call it that, I don't care if it was renamed)... And she said she's been saving up her firewood so that we can go outside and roast marshmallows, make smores, and play Scattergories. And, of course, we'll visit with all of my family, especially my Grandma. She won't be making many more trips to Florida, so that's what we planned this vacation around.

That pretty much sums it up. If we get to do all of those things I will be thoroughly satisfied.

Lauren took off the whole week so we're in for a real treat. James has been around the two of us together so he knows what to expect ;), but it has been a LONG time.

In other VERY important news... Deschanel nabbed my Gibbard :( I guess this means I'm stuck with, oops, I mean destined to marry James. :P

I didn't even know that they were dating, let alone now newly wed.


Ashley Newton said...

whaaat? yeh they've been engaged for like a year or something, they make such a cute couple! i love both of them!

& your trip to chicago sounds fun, why would they rename the sears tower? i'll always call it the sears tower as well. and i've never even been to chi town

Megan said...

I hope you have fun!

Ashley Newton said...

so what was the surprise james was so excited to get for you?


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