Friday, July 31, 2009

You are not the Sun.

I'm pleased to say that my birthday party was a total success. It was ridiculously fun, and I believe that there were about 30 people at my house at one point, and it's definitely one of those times that we'll be talking about for a long, long time.
I'm also pleased to say that recently I've been keeping up with my exercising when I get off of work. Today I invested in an iPod holder that straps onto my arm and some headphones (since I bummed off of my work buddies before)... After about a week of experimenting, I've discovered that the Elliptical is my new favorite machine to use.
Our trip to Chicago is officially official. I ordered the tickets on Thursday.

I finally made Emma's appointment to get spayed for Wednesday, after arguing with the girl on the phone for 20 minutes because she needed to know Emma's exact weight. "I don't have a scale at home and I'm currently at work, we can weigh her when I get there," I said. She insisted that I must tell her Emma's exact weight in order to make an appointment. "Okay, 3 1/2 pounds." Cats have to be at least 4 pounds to undergo surgery. "Okay... She's 4 1/2 pounds!" Are you sure? That's her exact weight? "Nope, she's 6 pounds." You're sure? "Positive." I have no idea how much she weighs. Guess we'll find out when I go there, like I said! I felt bad afterwards for giving her a 'tude so I apologized for giving her a hard time and she said that she didn't mean to come off as rude, it's just a new policy that she'd get in trouble for not enforcing. Understandable, but my cat weighs over 4 pounds (or at least I hope so) and I didn't want to have to go to the vet just to find out what she weighs to be able to make an appointment, that'd be absurd!

I'm tired and I'm going to bed early tonight.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

21 / Mustang / Emma / Lately / My Boys

One more day until I can sip on these little suckers in a restaurant all I want. That is really all that I'm looking forward to about turning 21. Being able to drink those deliciously overpriced drinks that they sell at those deliciously overpriced restaurants that I rarely go to. Oh, and the huge 21st birthday bash.

But seriously, it has been an entire year since James turned 21 and has been able to drink in restaurants while I sneak a sip of his or drink my water or raspberry tea. I'm excited to run up the bills, what can I say?

The Mustang. This has been of major cause of concern for James and I for the past week. First, the air conditioning. We were driving home from work the other day and all of a sudden James turned to me and asked if it felt hot. We both immediately put our hands in front of the air conditioning vents and put an "Oh, shit" face on. The air conditioning was blowing out hot air. HOWEVER, oddly enough... It was only when we'd significantly slow the car or stop it completely. THEN, shortly after, we were at Rita's getting some italian ice with Gavyn and as we got into the car to leave, it started up and then shut right off. We could only get it to start up by pushing on the gas while it was starting. So we went over to ICE COLD AIR to fix the air problem. Let's face it, even if it only stopped working when we came to a stop, we live in Florida. Those two minutes seem like an eternity. It's a good thing we went, because apparently the main fan in the engine stopped working which was the cause of the air not working, and it was making the entire engine overheat. Now we haven't had a problem with the car starting up since we had the air fixed, but we're going to bring it to a friend of the family's, Steve, who lives in Clearwater. He'll tell us what we need to do to get the car running in a reliable fashion. James and I (mainly I) were very stressed about it for a few days there. We were thinking we'd have to get another car, trade in the 'Stang (even though it's already completely paid for, and we'd be back at square one with still having only one car), and TRY to afford monthly payments on a car plus full coverage insurance. It wasn't looking good for us. So we'll get it fixed up and you can just put it on my tab.

Now another problem we've been running into is our cat, Emma. You may have noticed that I don't talk about her much. Well, she has really been pissing us off, to be honest. She poops in her litter box, and that's great. But she likes to pee on our rugs and possibly even carpets - though we wouldn't be able to tell since they're cream-colored. When we first got her, as a tiny kitten that could fit into the palm of your hand, she was litterbox trained. So it didn't make sense as to why she'd do something like this, it has been going on for awhile. First she'd poop in places, then she started pooping in her litter box and now she pees everywhere. We're afraid we'll lose our security deposit if she doesn't stop, so I've been researching it on the internet to try to fix the problem. Upon doing so, I learned that it could be one of two things (or even a combination of the two)... 1) She needs to be spayed. This could stop her urge to spray everywhere and try to 'mark her territory', if you will. And/Or 2) She could have a Urinary Tract Infection. Online it says that she'd be urinating, not spraying, outside of her litter box to try to get your attention that there is something medically wrong. I feel like it's a combination of both, so we're going to bring her to the non-profit spay center in Brooksville this week and shortly after take her to the vet to make sure that she doesn't have a UTI. It can be very painful for cats, and if you don't do something about it, it could be fatal. We've decided against getting her declawed, she's gotten a little too old for that and she doesn't tear anything up or scratch anyone (usually) anyways. Maybe once she's spayed she'll calm down a little bit.

Other than that, everything has been great. We can't wait to go to Chicago in September or Orlando in January... Or even for the three days off that we have starting tomorrow. I just look foward to the times where the three of us hang out in Gavyn's room on the floor and watch SpongeBob on his little TV. That's all I need.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Little Treat

21st Birthdays, Potty Trainings, Tattoos, Spiders, & Other Ramblings.

Well, I haven't felt like updating on here in awhile. My last post was sort of half-ass, and I always find something else to do because I just haven't felt like writing, I've been in more of a reading mood. But since today is Tuesday, which means it's going to be very slow at work, I thought I'd give it another shot.

We've been doing something almost every day lately. Going to the beach, the mall, the movies, etc. Of course I still haven't been able to bring Gavyn to the park because, for whatever reason, James hates going. I'm unhappy about this because we don't let Gavyn play in the backyard very often because we have woods directly behind our house. Woods = Bugs, spiders, and snakes. We've seen snake shedding in our yard recently and my uncle (who mows our yard) is under the impression that he's recently been bit my a Brown Recluse spider. Gavyn's playhouse that we bought him last year and his "Flinstone" car have since become spider breeding grounds and we're just afraid to let him go out there. We think we've also seen some Black Widows. We've found (and killed) numerous spiders outside of the house, inside of the house, on the side of the house, and in the mailbox. Big spiders, little spiders, fat spiders, skinny spiders. So many spiders. James and I are deathly afraid of them, but luckily he mans up and takes care of them each time... From a distance... With spider spray.

My 21st birthday party is slowly approaching and I couldn't be any more excited. All of my friends requested off of work Monday and/or Tuesday, and it's going to be so much fun. Originally, I wanted to keep Gavyn at the house, just because I hate not being able to check on him throughout the night... But after a lot of consideration I figured bringing him to my Mom's or Tammy's for the night would be the best option. This way he'll be able to sleep through the night and not be awoken by a bunch of drunken idiots. We'll pick him up in the morning when we head over to Cracker Barrel for a nice breakfast (or possibly brunch, depending) feast. We've already bought all of the hard liquor. It cost us over $100 to get the biggest bottle of Jager, Peach Schnapps, and Vodka. We also have some Captain Morgan and another bottle of Jager from a friend from work coming. The drinks of the night will be Jager Bombs, Red-Headed Sluts, and Sex on the Beaches. I'm most interested in the second two, but apparently everyone else is excited for the Jager Bombs. Personally, I've never had one. Of course I'll try it, but I like to stick to what I know and love, especially for such an occasion as your 21st birthday!


I'm not sure (and don't feel like looking) if I've mentioned anything about it lately. It's a black and white semi-formal party. This is mainly because I'm excited to wear the dress referenced in one of my previous posts, so I figured I'd set the party around it. After all, we all have little black dresses that sit in our closet for a good portion of the year, awaiting the special occasion that you'd be able to wear it and not look too fancy/overdressed. This is one of them. Ah, yes, and I got Tuesday off since I'll clearly not be up by 6 am to head to work, so I have three days off in a row. This'll be a nice little treat.

We're ordering our plane tickets on Thursday. We're going to leave on Friday, September 25th, and come back on Friday, October 2nd. We'll have off on October 3rd and go back to work on October 4th. I'll have to miss a day of school, but hopefully I'll be able to get the work ahead of time. Besides, it's the Intro to Education class, so I'm sure I won't miss anything too substantial. We're really looking forward to it. We'll get to see my Grandma (who is 80 and the sweetest lady you'll ever meet), since she isn't going to be able to fly to Florida anymore. Plus, Lauren will finally be able to meet Gavyn. I'll be 21 when I'm there, so we can do fun club/bar things, too. I've never been to one with James before. We're going to go to Six Flags, too, and obviously visit with all of my family. I've got my Dad, Lauren, my Grandma, and several aunts, uncles, and cousins to see. It'll be a good time. And it'll be nice to have some time off of work.

Unfortunately, I've been told that our incentive program at work is going to be coming to an end shortly. This kind of upsets me because it was an awesome way to make some extra money to just put directly into savings or aside for our vacation. I've been looking for a way to do this for some time (mainly on the internet, which explains why I've had no luck)... And this opportunity just fell into my lap. Well, it was nice while it lasted, and at least it helped fund our trip to Chicago.

James has been drawing up his new tattoo idea. It's a snake twisted around the Old English I from Every Time I Die. He's actually really great at drawing, I was very surprised because I've never seen him draw something so articulate. I've been contemplating tattoo ideas, too. I was pretty dead set on the one I want, but it's on my side, over my rib cage, and I've been told that it's a little ballsy to head straight there because it's going to hurt like hell. So I might come up with an idea of something else somewhere else to get done first, just so I know I can handle it. After all, I don't want an unfinished tattoo just hanging out on my rib cage.

Gavyn has been doing really well with the potty. We were at Subway the other day and he told me that he had to go potty, so I brought him into the bathroom and set him on the big boy potty and he went by himself. This is the first time he's ever told us that he had to go. Usually, we'll ask him, he'll say yes, and he'll go. But once he starts telling us all the time, we'll start to get somewhere. He's pooped on the potty, too. He's getting there. It's always so bittersweet, but I'm trying not to focus on how heartbreaking it is to see him becoming so independent, and focus more on enjoying these stages... Before it gets to the point where I'm missing all of these phases and stages, too. For a two and a half year old, I'll tell you, he's pretty well-behaved. However, he has been repeating EVERYTHING anyone says. And so, of course, he picked out his favorite and says it often. Damnit. I say it a lot, and it could be A LOT worse, but sometimes it just slips and once it's instilled into his brain, it's very hard to try to get him to understand that he shouldn't say it. We'll get there. Until then, we have to try not to snicker when he says it in his cute little voice.

Well, I feel pretty accomplished because I didn't think I'd get anywhere with this post since I came into it without a thought of what I'd write about. I think I'll end it here though. And with letting you know that Rachel will be going home today. It's unfortunate, I enjoyed having a little stay-at-home nanny who likes playing Left 4 Dead with me when James is sick of it and saying, "Can we just play something else?!" But I am making her some Parmesan Chicken (not the kind you're familiar with), asparagus, and angel hair pasta and herbs tonight and most likely playing some Scattergories (which has recently become my favorite game). SOOO I'll ttyl.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Busy Bee

It's been awhile. Here's what I've been up to:

  • Spending time with my boys
  • Hanging out with friends, often
  • Smoking the hookah referenced in my previous post
  • Shooting zombies via Left 4 Dead
  • Planning our trip to Chicago in September
  • Semi-planning our mini-vacation to Disney in January
  • Mentally preparing myself (and others) for my 21st birthday party
  • Reading South of No North by Charles Bukowski
  • Working, working, working
  • Making an extra income at work through the incentive program
  • Contemplating tattoo ideas


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