Sunday, July 26, 2009

21 / Mustang / Emma / Lately / My Boys

One more day until I can sip on these little suckers in a restaurant all I want. That is really all that I'm looking forward to about turning 21. Being able to drink those deliciously overpriced drinks that they sell at those deliciously overpriced restaurants that I rarely go to. Oh, and the huge 21st birthday bash.

But seriously, it has been an entire year since James turned 21 and has been able to drink in restaurants while I sneak a sip of his or drink my water or raspberry tea. I'm excited to run up the bills, what can I say?

The Mustang. This has been of major cause of concern for James and I for the past week. First, the air conditioning. We were driving home from work the other day and all of a sudden James turned to me and asked if it felt hot. We both immediately put our hands in front of the air conditioning vents and put an "Oh, shit" face on. The air conditioning was blowing out hot air. HOWEVER, oddly enough... It was only when we'd significantly slow the car or stop it completely. THEN, shortly after, we were at Rita's getting some italian ice with Gavyn and as we got into the car to leave, it started up and then shut right off. We could only get it to start up by pushing on the gas while it was starting. So we went over to ICE COLD AIR to fix the air problem. Let's face it, even if it only stopped working when we came to a stop, we live in Florida. Those two minutes seem like an eternity. It's a good thing we went, because apparently the main fan in the engine stopped working which was the cause of the air not working, and it was making the entire engine overheat. Now we haven't had a problem with the car starting up since we had the air fixed, but we're going to bring it to a friend of the family's, Steve, who lives in Clearwater. He'll tell us what we need to do to get the car running in a reliable fashion. James and I (mainly I) were very stressed about it for a few days there. We were thinking we'd have to get another car, trade in the 'Stang (even though it's already completely paid for, and we'd be back at square one with still having only one car), and TRY to afford monthly payments on a car plus full coverage insurance. It wasn't looking good for us. So we'll get it fixed up and you can just put it on my tab.

Now another problem we've been running into is our cat, Emma. You may have noticed that I don't talk about her much. Well, she has really been pissing us off, to be honest. She poops in her litter box, and that's great. But she likes to pee on our rugs and possibly even carpets - though we wouldn't be able to tell since they're cream-colored. When we first got her, as a tiny kitten that could fit into the palm of your hand, she was litterbox trained. So it didn't make sense as to why she'd do something like this, it has been going on for awhile. First she'd poop in places, then she started pooping in her litter box and now she pees everywhere. We're afraid we'll lose our security deposit if she doesn't stop, so I've been researching it on the internet to try to fix the problem. Upon doing so, I learned that it could be one of two things (or even a combination of the two)... 1) She needs to be spayed. This could stop her urge to spray everywhere and try to 'mark her territory', if you will. And/Or 2) She could have a Urinary Tract Infection. Online it says that she'd be urinating, not spraying, outside of her litter box to try to get your attention that there is something medically wrong. I feel like it's a combination of both, so we're going to bring her to the non-profit spay center in Brooksville this week and shortly after take her to the vet to make sure that she doesn't have a UTI. It can be very painful for cats, and if you don't do something about it, it could be fatal. We've decided against getting her declawed, she's gotten a little too old for that and she doesn't tear anything up or scratch anyone (usually) anyways. Maybe once she's spayed she'll calm down a little bit.

Other than that, everything has been great. We can't wait to go to Chicago in September or Orlando in January... Or even for the three days off that we have starting tomorrow. I just look foward to the times where the three of us hang out in Gavyn's room on the floor and watch SpongeBob on his little TV. That's all I need.

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