Screenwriter Neil Gaiman's masterful allegorical drama, which melds live actors with animated characters, portrays the existence of a 15-year-old girl named Helena (Stephanie Leonidas) in a

It was, by far, one of the most trippy and 'out there' movies I've ever seen. But once the story picked up I couldn't peel my eyes off the screen. I would definitely recommend this to anyone, especially if you're into fantasy movies.

Neil Gaiman is also the writer of Coraline (photo below), which explains a lot. I watched that movie in the theatre. It's a Tim Burton film that looks similar to The Nightmare Before Christmas and Corpse Bride, but it's definitely one of a kind. It was disturbing and intriguing at the same time. I don't know if I'd recommend it for kids (although it's rated PG), but I really did enjoy it, and I was looking forward to seeing it ever since I first saw the trailer. Every time the trailer would come on, James and Brandie

Ps, in case you haven't already noticed-- I'm sort of a movie junkie. So you might not want to ever challenege me in a Scene It? game.
No, definitely not. The only movie I've seen in the list of movies you mentioned is The Nightmare Before Christmas, and even that's been forever. And who hasn't? I'm horrible at keeping up with newer movies. Unless it's that one in a million that actually catches my eye.. then I MUST see it. I usually watch the Academy Awards for movies I should rent/buy. Ha, I know.. I cheat, but it works.
When we're doing our stocking up, we end up with a cart full of cleaning supplies and Glade candles. It's ridiculous how they price those tiny candles, but they smell so good! We snuck some Febreeze ones in this time. They aren't worth the $9 until you walk into your living room with one lit.
I should. My mom burns oils so I've told myself to at least try it, but never have. She gets her oils at Romancing the Stone. I'm not sure how much they sell them for, but $3 from Bath and Body sounds good to me. I should tell her, too.
Yea, we have a 360. I'm just really bad at SITTING and watching movies. We have movies that we've bought that have yet to be watched. I think one may even still be wrapped. Atonement, was it any good? Maybe you can spare me a bad flick, haha.
I can't believe how fast time is flying by. I still catch myself in pregnant mode. I'll check labels for sodium and caffeine contents like I should still be watching it. Now she's four months old? I mean, I'm excited about her crawling, and first steps, and blahblah, but really?! Sloooww dooowwwn.
I'm writing a novel on your comments page.
Oh, I can't wait to have another! But we won't even think about it until she's potty trained, or at least in the process of. We're not doing two diapers. I miss being pregnant. I spent the first two weeks after she was born bawling because I wished I still was. I loved everything about it, but then I also had it very easy.
I know I have days where I wished she was a little older so it'd be a little easier, but I know when she actually is, it'll be heartbreaking to see her wanting to do things herself. These are definitely the days to treasure. I can't even imagine her as a bouncy two-year-old.
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