Monday, April 6, 2009


Today I went to PHCC to take my college placement test. I did great on everything except the Algebra. This didn't come as a surprise to me because in high school I struggled with Algebra II.

In two weeks I have an appointment with one of the advisors to schedule my classes that begin in August. I'm more than likely going to take Algebra, English, and two Psychology classes. I'll probably be sifting through my options once I'm done with this post or tomorrow to see what classes will work with my schedule. I really don't want to have any classes on my days off from work, especially on Wednesday, so I'll probably end up with classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

The pictures throughout this post were taken a few days ago. Tyler and Gavyn are like two peas in a pod. Seymour (the plant pictured below, James dubbed him 'Seymour' after the plant from Little Shop of Horrors) has also become a part of our family recently. In fact, he has taken up a very LARGE part of our life. He is our little cactus/weed that won't stop growing in our front yard. James and I swear that he doubles in size daily. We're afraid to try to pull him out of the ground because my Mom had Seymour Sr. living in her yard. Rachel accidentally stepped on him so he decided to accidentally stun her with his prickles and leave her foot aching for days.

I apologize for the informality, you should meet him for yourself. I present to you... Seymour! The picture really doesn't do him justice. As I said, these pictures were taken a few days ago, so you see, he has tripled in size since then.

Come Wednesday, Seymour will be no more. We are paying $15 to have our lawn mowed and Seymour laid to rest.

RIP, Seymour.
March '09 - April '09
We will never forget you.

Gavyn never fails to surprise me with the new things that he has learned. Yesterday while Tyler was crying he said, "Aww, Tyler's crying." Today he asked me, "What are you doing, Mommy?" Dare I even mention him POOPING on the big boy potty the other day!

I'm intrigued by how quickly he picks up on everything. I think that he is the main reason I'm interested in going to school to become an elementary teacher. Nothing compares to the look on his face when he learns something new. Except, of course, hearing "I wuv ouu." Right now he is supposed to be sleeping, instead he just walked out to say, "Hertuwees!" which obviously means he needs Hercules restarted on his dvd player. James is parked on the couch catching up on the episodes of The Office that I watched without him today since he was at work. He was less than thrilled that I watched it without him, but really... How could I resist?

Well, I'm going to cut this short because it's now 10:49 pm and we have to leave for work at 6:00 am. Plus, I have to catch up on some much-needed cuddling and posssssssibly search the freezer for a much-needed frozen dessert. I know that I've already eaten all of my Eddy's Frozen Lemonade Bars. Why do I do this to myself? Thursday (grocery shopping day) can't come soon enough.


Megan said...

Gavyn is growing up so fast!

Ashley said...

Tell me about it!


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