My Mom invited us over for a delicious homemade asian-style meal tonight and we thankfully declined so that we could come home, lounge on the couch, eat leftover chili, and watch endless episodes of The Office via Netflix on our XBOX 360.
Tomorrow I'll be venturing into the art of roast beef making. I've made so many meals ten times more complicated, and I even have the ingredients to make the roast (I buy rump roast to make my Italian Beef Sandwiches in the slow cooker), but had yet to delve into the roast beef making realm.
I was thinking of a few great benefits of being a teacher today that I'd like to share: 1) Only working 9 months out of the year = being able to spend more time with family. 2) Possibly being able to work on my photography and even pick up a few gigs over the summers. 3) Awesome hours, excellent benefits, guaranteed retirement.
This reminds me of how much of a slacker I've become in regards to keeping any type of personal journal. I always opt to update online because it's easier and faster to type, but it's so much more personal to write. I've always said that one day I'll print out all of my online entries and put them into a notebook. Seeing as I started my LiveJournal in 2004, I'm assuming that's going to take up a little bit of paper. Anyhow, James finally caught up on The Office, so I'm off to rot my brain by watching TV and vegging out with my boys for the rest of the night. Ciao.
I don't think you can follow me since I use wordpress. BUT I use Google Reader to read all of the blogs I like (it updates each time they post), and it's really convenient.
I live in Tennessee, about an hour north of Chattanooga. (It takes me 2-3 hours to get to Nashville.) I love it here.
Wordpress just automatically lets me do the category things like that, so I have no idea, haha!
Yay for mentioning my contest. Those journals are pretty awesome! Oh, and that plant/weed is HUGE!
Oh, wait! I do have a google account, so I think you can follow me that way? Not sure, but it's SomewhatVoluble@gmail.com, and I followed you!
Hmm, I can't follow you because you don't have a blog. Do you prefer WordPress to Blogger? Is it free to have your own domain? I want to go to Tennessee so badly, I've heard it's beautiful!
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