Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Seymour No More.

I awoke in a daze. As I glanced to my left the only thing that I could make out were those three, large black numbers. 8:32 AM. Why, you might ask, was I awake before 11:00 am on the day which has previously earned the nickname 'Lazy Day'? I'll explain.

1) James (left) is on a health kick. So he decided to wake up early, slip on his bright red gym shorts in preparatio
n for the jog he would take approximately 15 minutes later, and send Gavyn in the room to wake me up. I turned to James and grumbled, "Why are you awake?" He replied while heading to the door, "I'm going yogging, do you want to come?" I answered, "Sure, I'll start yogging while I'm half-asleep in your boxers." AKA, no. Instead, he took Gavyn with him. I grabbed a yellow cereal stick, a cup covered in Disney decorations which held apple juice, and a Gavyn and placed them in the stroller. I opened the door for James, the cereal stick, the cup, and Gavyn. It was chilly outside. I'm not quite sure how it works in any other state, but apparently here in sunny Florida it can be 85 degrees one day and 33 degrees the next night. No sooner than I could plop onto my beige reclining computer chair to check my email, the door opened. "You're done already?" I asked. "Yeah, it's like my first time, give me a break!"

2) The phone rang. 'The Tide' by the Spill Canvas started to leak out of the speakers of my Blackberry Pearl. I glanced across the hall. Heaven's not a place that you go when you die, it's that moment in life when you actually feel alive, so live for the moment. It was my Mom calling. I didn't get up. About 20 minutes later, that same song began playing. I still didn't get up. About 15 minutes later, I finally got up. I called her back, even though I knew what it was about. My uncle was coming to exterminate our friend, Seymour, today. I wrote out the check, signed, and looked at the 'For:' in the lower left corner. Seymour, I wrote. The picture above shows James squatting on top of where Seymour once stood.

All joking aside, I would like to make a riveting announcement. I am now the first result when I google my name. Previously, Mr Ashley Dennison (shown below my name) held the #1 spot, but with a little help from the social networking site, Facebook, I have conquered it.

Well, I'm off to poke some holes in a rump roast and shove a few slices of garlic in it.

I hope that all of you readers (Mom, James, small group of MySpace friends/lurkers) have a fantastic day, and enjoy this perfect 72 degree weather while you can. Summer is rapidly approaching and I am not enthused.


Megan said...

Yeah, TN is similar... It was in the 70s the other day, then yesterday, it was snowing. This morning, it was in the 30s, but it was in the 60s by the afternoon. Crazy!

Unknown said...

I've come to the conclusion that you know way more about this blogger than I do. And I would like to request your assistance with the design of mine. If you have time. Ever.

Ps. I hope your roast beef came out good!


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