Wednesday, May 15, 2013


It's funny how sometimes the littlest things can change your whole life and routine.  Getting a puppy and buying a swingset have made us more "outdoorsy" people.  And by "outdoorsy" I mean on a scale of sitting on the couch, munching on snacks, watching re-runs of Game of Thrones to going for frequent walks with our puppy and playing outside with the kids daily, we are somewhere in between.  Either way, there's more sunshine in our lives which is never a bad thing, regular intervals of moderate exercise, and more playtime outside with the kids. I've come to like it, and although I may rue the day that I said this when summer hits and we are experiencing 100+ degree weather, I actually enjoy going for walks with Koda.  He started running like crazy in laps around the house, so we figured it was time for our long evening walk.  I snapped a couple of adorable pictures of the kids while we were outside, the bottom where they are hugging is my faaaaavvvvv.  On the way home, James decided it would be funny to point out each bush and turd that Koda likes to stop and smell on the reg, and sure enough...  He did.  Such a goofy dog.  And fiance.

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