Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Rambles bambles.

Well, now that I have a handy little app on my iPhone which enables me to update this blog without even jumping on a computer, it might (MIGHT) be easier to keep up with!

I don't feel like playing catch up, because if you're important (to me), then you already know what we have been up to! The most recent things being that I am now a stay at home mom, we have acquired two new (feline by nature) additions to the family (Taco and Benjamin Gibpurrd), and Gavyn will soon be 5 and Olivia will soon be 1!

So anyway, I sit here with ANTM on in the background and a bowl of pomegranate seeds in my lap. James is already passed out since he now leaves the house at 3:30 AM.

My car is being fixed, so as of late I have been bumming rides to run errands and attend play dates... We are hoping that it will be figured out and done by this weekend.

I worked ahead in my classes for this semester, so I've been finished -- aside from the final that I'm waiting on to be made available. I'm currently maintaining a 3.8 GPA, not too shabby.

I'm verrrrry excited that I believe I will also soon find a resolution to my cloth diapering woes. Olivia was getting a horrible rash from the BumGenius diapers we built our stash upon. I had tried a number of different laundry detergents, convinced that it had to be what was causing the problem. Unfortunately, it was not so simple. She was having a bad reaction and is sensitive to the polyester material they are made from. So after several phone calls to a few companies, all of my diapers are being replaced with BumGenius Elemental diapers which are made from 100% organic cotton. I'm also purchasing a toilet sprayer and additive-free laundry detergent to get this thing figured out. I almost gave up, but my faith had been restored when I found out that we are going to be able to exchange them.

I'm currently working on slowly but surely working fruits and nuts into our pantry and fridge rather than chips and cookie dough. Baby steps. I'm not going cold turkey, but if healthy snacks are readily available to me and not-so-healthy snacks are less attainable, I'm bound to make SOME good decisions.

Anyhow, this post is random and scatter-brained... Particularly because I can only read a few sentences of what I've written at a time on this peewee screen, and also because apparently I'm an old lady and start getting sleepy at 10:30.

This has been a pointless post brought to you by Ashley!

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