Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Guess who's back?

I've picked up my old habit of rarely updating this, busy with life.  Actually, just after I started this post a little reminder went off in my phone to register for summer classes, but apparently I can't do so until tomorrow.  Olivia is now just shy of ten weeks old, she's starting to really smile (not just gassy smile) and she's still sleeping a lot, but when she's awake she is very alert.  Among her favorite things are her cherry blossom swing, a warm bottle, and a good cuddle.  Gavyn turned four a little less than two weeks before Olivia's birthday.  He now knows the ABC song and, so far, can recognize the letters "a," "o," and "w."  I've got this home(pre)schooling thing on lock.  He loves all things outdoors, superheroes, and anything that involves competition.
Currently James is in between jobs and I have recently gone back to work.  In fact, today is day two.  Day one consisted of me choking back tears all day and hiding my face quite a bit - wondering if it would ever get easier.  Day two has, thus far, been a little easier.  I think it's because James and I got up at 5 am and spent some time together over a bowl of cocoa puffs and a cup of coffee.  I didn't have to rush out the door, so I got to hold Olivia for awhile and wake up Gavyn before I left.  I think I'll stick to this routine because I haven't even had to take a five hour energy yet.  I guess breakfast is the most important meal.  Anyway, I'm still not sure how often I will update this (though I will try, I love being able to look back at posts and remember the little things that sometimes slip your mind)...  But, for the times that I take a hiatus, you can visit my Tumblr which I will hopefully remember to keep up with!  These will just be little glimpses into my world, but hey, it's better than nothing.

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Ashley said...
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