Saturday, September 19, 2009


James called me at work (from work, he's at the gate house) and told me that he reeeaaally wanted to order something for me. He said that it's something that he thinks I could really use and he's really excited and wants to get it for me - and that he's been looking high and low for it for almost two weeks now. Obviously there was a purpose for the phone call, or he would've just ordered it. Well, I've been trying to get the credit cards paid down. My extra money from financial aid went towards it, and all of my money that I've been making from the incentive program at work has gone towards it. So I've been keeping an eye on the credit cards more closely, making sure everything is OK, no unauthorized charges, etc. I guess he figured I'd see the charge and flip out (I told him I don't want anything for Christmas because I'd rather be able to afford to bring Gavyn to Disney for his birthday), so he asked me if he could order a present... for me, haha. Whatever it is he insists that he MUST get it for me before we go on vacation. It costs a total of $130-something and the shipping is $54 alone! Mainly because we're leaving Friday so he has to order express (overnight) shipping. Of course I said there's nothing that I need badly enough to pay $54 for it to be shipped immediately, but he seems to think so. I have NO idea what it is, and it's bothering me... But he has said on several occasions that he is terrible with surprises, yada yada yada, just tell him what I want. This time it's something he's really excited to get me because he put thought into it, so I won't ruin it for him by trying to guess. Or looking at the credit card statement. Although it's tempting, haha. You should've heard him, he sounded like a little kid because he was so excited about ordering it for me. What a cutie <3.

Me, James, Gavyn, Casey, Madden, Brandie, and Michelle went to the beach on Wednesday. We rented a jetski for an hour and took turns riding. It was so much fun, I've been sore for the past few days because of it. I drove with James on the back and every time we hit a bump we'd fly into the air. He was holding me so tight because he was afraid to fall off, the only thing keeping both of us on were my hands digging into the handlebars. Gavyn loved the beach, as always. He'd say, "Swimming in water?!?!" And that we did.

We've decided that he's going to be Batman for Halloween, and Tyler will be either Joker or Spiderman. I put Buzz Lightyear and Batman side by side on the computer and it was HANDS DOWN Batman all the way. Ugh, the Buzz Lightyear costume even lit up!

I have one more assignment for my English class and then I'm done with all of my school assignments until I get home from vacation. I want to get them all out of the way now so that I don't have to worry about it while I'm in Chicago. DOOONE. My lowest grade right now is a 94, so my classes are going really well. I'll be missing my next Intro to Teaching class since I'll be out of state, but it's part of a group assignment so I won't be missing any work.

Leaving work in 8 minutes, going to pick up Gavyn and some stuff for dinner tonight (Homemade Chicken Marsala with mushrooms and sides of rice and asparagus, mmm), then having my Mom, Ty, Rachel, and Tyler over for dinner!

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