Friday, May 15, 2009

Left 4 Dead.


Left 4 Dead. I've never been one for zombie games that freak me out OR for playing games on Xbox Live. But this game has really caught my attention. James got it several months ago, I had never heard anything about it, it was no big deal. Then all of a sudden my sister realizes that we have it, and every time she comes over she's always saying, "Let's play Left 4 Dead!" I'd always say no. I finally 'picked up my sticks' as James and I like to put it, and couldn't put them back down. It's a very simple concept. Find the zombies, shoot them. Or if you're playing on live - find the humans, throw up on them, pounce on them and tear them apart, or grab them in a chokehold with your tongue. It's a cooperative first-person shooter, so it's the kind of game play you would find in something like Halo. But it's no where near as complicated. Shown in the picture above is the infamous Witch of Left 4 Dead. You'll hear her loud, creepy sobbing long before she actually runs after you to attack. You can't actually make them out in the picture, but she has really long claws that she uses to tear into you. So anyway, I just thought I'd share one of my guilty pleasures. If you're looking for a fun game to play with a friend (or maybe some "friends" online), or just a good first-person shooter, give this one a go.

Ps, I also have Viva Piñata and Viva Piñata: Party Animals on their way to me, but those are worthy of another whole post.

Pss, I almost typed 'a whole nother' but couldn't bring myself to publish that.


Anonymous said...

I usually don't get into alot of role-playing games. My sister on the other hand, will go without food, water, and sleep for about a week after starting another one, haha. I won't compete as far as modern nerding goes (unless you'd like a go-around in Street Fighter IV or any other choice fighting game, lol).. but I have to say I kick major ass as an "old school" nerd. These newer game systems don't have anything on NES or SNES. Sega - MAYBE. I'm about as sad as it gets when it comes to those systems. It's PATHETIC and I will admit it, haha. I traded a Sega Genesis + 12 games (including every Sonic game you can think of AND Paperboy, a personal favorite) for a SNES system + 2 games. WHAT A RIP OFF! But I had to! I NEED The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past! Once I start a game, the only way to rip me off the screen is to beat it. And beat it, again.. and probably at least start it a third time, lol.

Yes, we make it a point to have a date night at least once a month. It's always nice to get away for a day/night and get lost in eachother like old times. And yea, we were married for.. two months? before finding out about this little girl. 2008 was a biiig year for us.

Anonymous said...

Yea, but isn't that how it goes? After babies a simple night out (or even a few hours) enjoying a IHOP dinner makes you feel like you're being spoiled, haha.

When we bought the Sega off eBay it seemed like the SNES systems with any kind of game bundle that included Zelda was a good amount more than the rest. And yea, they were much more expensive than the Segas were. We ended up with the Sega because at the time I couldn't find a reasonably priced SNES with Zelda included and I wasn't going to pay another $15 shipping to buy the $10 game separately. What?! Shipping was more than the game is worth! I wasn't going to do it. Mostly, I got irritated with it and gave in. Brian wanted the Sega. Brian got the Sega.

Haha!.. After you dried up the tears you squirted during your annihilation in Street Figher, I'd play you in Soul Caliber. Really, I've never played it. I've heard that name, but never thought it would've been a fighting game. I can guarantee you WOULD win, lol. Have you played Street Fighter IV? Sagat is muh man. Together, we make Seth our bitch..

Anonymous said...

Mm, Red Lobster. We had that the last time we went out.

I know I could find a much better deal if I had the patience for it, haha. We have a Games N' More about 30-45 minutes from us. It's the closest place that deals with anything older than PS2. I'm going there to see what they have for SNES. Hopefully I'll score a few goodies.

One of the reasons I chose this Sega was the fact that all 12 games came with the original booklets AND it was cheaper than most of the others. That makes it harder to trade it over.

Ashley Newton said...

okay so let me say i appreciate this post! I was looking for the witch the whole time I played it and never got to see her, I pictured her looking like an old withering lady so im surprised. also, I could never tell what they were throwing at you, I thought it was their intestines or something, hah, I for some reason never thought it was their tongue.

Anonymous said...

We haven't given it to them yet, but I'm thinking about keeping the really good games and ALL the booklets. They can have the games you can pretty much get anywhere. I'll make up for them later and we'll just buy another Sega Genesis. That way, we're keeping the goodies AND getting a SNES out of a Sega. I know where we can buy another mint-conditioned system for $15, haha. Sega, that is. That way it's a win/win.

I tried playing off what you said like, "No, no. I'm not obsessed, that's silly." Then realized I've spent any time I could squeeze in for myself today playing Fable 2. And I'm currently looking up the way to get two dogs on it through Xbox live.. And it's almost 4am.


Ashley Newton said...

oh my goodness, I never even thought about that! you should definitely be able to play the witch. and unfortunately, I played the game at jacobs house, dustin and I don't have an xbox. but he keeps telling me that he wants one everytime we're in target, so i'm pretty sure within the next couple of months he'll get his xbox & i will get my Left 4 Dead :) I can't wait to play games online, I mean we can with our Wii but i'm not completely sure how to. hah.

& thank you for saying you like my hair :) but thats just what i need, to look even younger, everyyyyone thinks im 13. read my new post. it made me so mad, but it's too funny.


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