Tuesday, January 5, 2010

So we meet again.

Forty and fifty degree weather, I know you so little...  Yet you bare a striking resemblance to one of those random friends or family members who thinks that they can just "pop in" unannounced and then stay for hours upon hours talking your ear off with no regard to time, or your level of interest.

This year I hate you.  I hate the chill that you give me when I slip out from under the blankets after a seemingly warm and cozy night, I hate how frigid you make my toilet seat so early in the morning, I hate how you attack my unsuspecting toes when the blanket just isn't quite long enough to reach them, and I hate how your continuously frosty weather has forced the people who normally visit my workplace to put their clothes on, stay home, and wait for warmer weather.  Yes, it's that time of year again.  For cuts.

I'm not sure how drastically this might affect our financial situation, since it's only a couple of hours per week, but if James' hours are also cut, we'll have to start making the cuts.  On our bills.

Today is Day 3 of my low-cal diet.  I'm trying to keep my calorie intake at about 1,100 per day.  So far it has been working for me.  I had never realized just how many calories I normally consume until I started paying attention...  Just, wow.  I'm surprised the Wii Fit calculated my BMI at Normal.  Anyways, I'm taking the initiative and finally setting out to lose the rest of those baby pounds, nearly three years later.  My goal is to be back at my pre-pregnancy weight and to make an honest attempt at becoming a little more physically fit.

Speaking of three years later, Gavyn will be turning three on January 14th.  It's just short of impossible for me to describe to you the mixed and bittersweet feelings that this brings to me.  So I'll just say that he is the sweetest boy you could ever possibly meet, and the day that I gave birth to him I knew my life would change forever.  It has, in the best possible way.  I can't wait to wish him a happy birthday for the third time with a little help from family, friends, and this one is obvious: Batman.


Yet said...

Might I suggest that you make your words a little darker. It's hard to read them. Nice post.

Ashley said...

Is the white background not showing up for you?


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