Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sickie McGee.

Well, my Mom is on her way to bring Gavyn to the doctor as we speak. I wanted to stay home with him today but one of the front desk girls is already on vacation so we're short as it is, and James just called out last week. I feel so bad when he's sick and I can't stay home with him. It's the worst part of being a working Mom. He has a fever of over 101 and has a really bad, congested cough. My little brother, Tyler, just came down with bronchitis last week, so I'm assuming that's what Gavyn has, or at least some type of bacterial infection which is going to require an antibiotic. Poor baby.

We've gotten the majority of his Christmas and birthday shopping done, minus a few things that we'll pick up here and there that we see and he'd like and plus the Power Wheels Mustang we're picking up tomorrow. Christmas is still a few months away and his birthday isn't until mid-January, but I love getting it out of the way and avoiding the Christmas-shopping traffic. Over the next couple of months we just have to buy eachothers' gifts and our immediate families'. I'm so glad we're almost done with this! Although James knows he's getting an iPhone for Christmas, and quite possibly a lawn mower - which is more for me than it is for him, even though he'll be using it ;P... I want to think of a few things to surprise him that he'll REALLY like. Our parents/brothers/sisters are always easy. They typically want the same thing every year. I can't wait to start decorating for the holidays. This is my FAVORITE time of year (fall/winter). I need to order Gavyn's costume soon.

I've received the rest of my pell grant in the form of a PHCC One card. I can withdraw a max of $500 a day from the ATM. The cash that spits out is immediately being inserted back in and then put directly onto our credit cards. BUT this is the only time I plan (*keyword: plan) to do this. I'd like to start putting any extra money from my financial aid into a savings account which is not linked to our checking (so that I'm not tempted to touch it) and put it away. I don't touch Gavyn's, and since it's linked it's easy to transfer money in there, but that's different. That's his money. I'd be tempted with this. But I'd like to put it away because during my last year of school as a teacher, I'll have to do three internships. Level one is interning 2 days a week at the school. This lasts an entire semester (15 weeks) and is unpaid. In fact, I actually have to pay for the internship hours, as if it's school (which will hopefully qualify me for financial aid during that time!). The second level is interning 3 days a week, which lasts another semester. The final internship lasts another whole semester and is full-time, so five days a week. At that point you're basically teaching the class with a real teacher watching over you. I'd probably be able to work part-time for the first two internships, but the last one would be impossible. So I'll have to rely on a) financial aid money that I put away or b) student loans. I want to do everything in my power to STAY AWAY from student loans. I want noooo part of that unless I absolutely have to.

I can't wait for our vacation, less than two weeks away! Gavyn's first time flying, we're all going to go on the boat with my Dad, the weather is beautiful right now, shopping, family get-togethers, Six Flags, spending time together, sears tower, the city, Chicago hot dogs, pizza puffs!, Lauren meeting Gavyn for the FIRST time, seeing everyone, NO work... I'm so excited. James and I remind eachother every day how many days are left until vacation. Ugh. Excited. Much needed.

While on the subject of vacation, it's going to be a tough squeeze after Christmas and everything, but I reaaally still want to go to Disney. Gavyn is going to absolutely LOVE it this year, and I want it to be a part of his birthday gift. So I've decided that I need to get the credit cards paid down ASAP so that we can still afford to bring him for his birthday. HAVE TO.

Bored of this now.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Yes, try to stay as FAR AWAY from student loans as possible. I got one for my first semester of school, and even though it was only around $3000, it's still annoying. I only owe about $2000 more, but I'm hoping to pay that back with some of the financial aid I'm getting this year. :)


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