Friday, August 21, 2009

Space is not just a place for stars.

Blogger, you've become one of my mortal enemies. Every single time I try to update you, I get side-tracked and lose interest. We'll see how this one goes.

I've been really slacking on taking pictures of anything lately. Both my Canon and my Sony have been collecting dust. I really want to work on that. Mainly focusing on photos of Gavyn.

I start school on Monday. Online school, anyway. My first actual class on campus isn't until Thursday. On Thursdays I will be going to work 7-3 and then getting home around 4, eating dinner and hanging out with Gavyn and James for a few hours and then going to school from 7-9:40, then bed. I'm sure Thursdays will become exhausting. I have one week to decide if it's worth it to take the class at the campus or if I should take it online. It's Intro to the Teaching Profession, so I would like to take it on campus, but at the same time I'll still be getting the 15 hours in the classroom, and I'll have more time to myself on Thursdays. Then again, it might be slightly harder online than it is at the campus. But at the same time, I don't want to get burnt out. I'm a little torn. What are your thoughts?

September can't come soon enough. I am really looking forward to this vacation. I need a break. I know that the week will fly by and be over before I know it, but it's still much needed.

Gavyn is getting so big and so smart. We'll put on for him and let him play the different games and color on there, and he's so intricate about his color placement. First of all, everything has to be blue. Second, everything has to be inside of the lines, clearly. His hand/eye coordination is fascinating for a two and a half year old. James and I sat there watching him color in the tiny speck of paint at the end of the paint brush that Blue (from Blue's Clues) was holding and color both of the tiny clouds blue. Blue is clearly his favorite color, because he'll get mad if I change it to any other color, but he's fine with different shades of blue. So far, blue is the only color that he can identify. He does, however, count all the way up to ten. We're working harder towards potty training now. I only give him one cup of water or milk at night, instead of the usual -- which consists of infinite amounts of Sunny D or apple juice.

We bought him some new Disney DVDs the other day when I got my new HP mini. Cars, Oliver & Company, Finding Nemo, and Monsters, Inc. I'm so thrilled that Gavyn appreciates Disney. Especially because it gives me an excuse to watch my favorites over and over again... And to go to Magic Kingdom yearly for his birthday. James is already sick of it and we've only gone with him once, but he'll get over it. Especially if we get to park hop, he loves Epcot.

I keep trying to plan our mini-vacation to Orlando, but James wants no part in it yet because, well... We still have our vacation to Chicago in September, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas before it's his birthday. I still can't help but think about what I should have as the theme of his birthday party. I'm stuck between Blue's Clues and Toy Story :P Which reminds me, Gavyn wants to be Buzz Lightyear for Halloween. I was showing him different Halloween costumes that I thought he'd like online, he got pretty excited for Blue, but when I pulled up Buzz he got really excited and exclaimed, "BUZZ?!!?!"

Ugh, I got side-tracked again (because I'm at work), so I'm ending this now!

EDIT: I was working with Gavyn on colors and so far he can remember blue, yellow, and pink!


Carissa said...

Intro to Ed should be taken in the class. You learn some important info about entering the education field. It'll help you figure out if it's really want you want to get into. You learn the pros and con. HOWEVER...I do understand getting burnt out, that semester was my hardest ever.. 6 classes (none online) and working 40 hours a week wasn't fun. Go with your gut on this one. That's my advice.

Megan said...

A campus class just on Thursday might not be so bad ... However, it does end kind of late.

Did you know about Toy Story 3 coming out next year? Gavyn will love that!

I want Josh and I to go to Disney. He's not too excited about the idea, though. Epcot is the only park he likes, but I told him we'd at least have to go to Magic Kingdom, too.


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