Monday, December 1, 2008

Nice to meet you.

Well, I was sick of talking about it and ready to do it. I received my Canon 40D as a gift on October 9, 2008 from James, my fiancee. After a year of contemplating, research, and a lot of "no, it's too expensive" -- I finally decided that I was ready to take the leap! Before the 40D I had a point-and-shoot Sony Cybershot, now that may not be creme de la creme but I was still trigger happy and always taking pictures. Photography is something that I've been interested in for a long time, but only now have I really put my all into it and become passionate about it. I can't go a day without either taking a picture, looking for ways to improve my technical skills, looking for inspiration for photos, or practicing with Photoshop.

I am a full-time receptionist by day, a full-time Mommy and fiancee by night, and an aspiring photographer in between it all. I have been wanting to create a website to showcase the pictures and art that I've created as of late, but there was always an excuse as to why I haven't done it. Yes, it is time consuming, and yes, it does cost money. But I had to start somewhere, and this is the purpose of this blog. You'll be following me through my journey as an aspiring photographer hoping to one day become a pro. There will be a lot of trial and error, and a lot of work and progress shown; but I am ready to learn. Feel free to leave comments and critique on any photo, or just let me know how it makes you feel!
Below are my favorite photos that I've taken since I got my Canon 40D.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have a gift with portrait photography. :)


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